Apply for Funding

Child Development Permit Stipend Applications are now closed for the 2024-2025 Program Year. Please check back in July 2025 for updates on the 2025-2026 application.
Apply for a Child Development Permit Stipend

Check Eligibility and Apply for ECE Educational Support Grant

Child Development Training Consortium

Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) provides services, training, technical assistance, and resources to students and professionals working with and for children. In doing so, we help promote professionalism and high-quality early care and education programs that benefit California’s children and families.

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The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) is now offering virtual trainings on how to process and submit a Child Development Permit Stipend application.

We will be reviewing the Permit Matrix and the benefits of applying for a permit through CDTC. 

Registration spaces will be limited, and it's first come, first served. For any questions, please reach out to us at

Upcoming Dates: Closed

Via ZOOM - Registration Closed

***The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) provides this training as an informational and guided step by step workshop on how to fill out the Child Development Permit Stipend application. The stipend helps pay the application fee to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Please be advised that we are not the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and cannot provide transcript evaluations or course advising when applying for a permit. The Child Development Training Consortium, CDTC, does not offer a certificate of completion for this training. 


curriculum alignment project logoCurriculum Alignment Project (CAP)

The California Early Childhood CAP supports transfer and curriculum consistency in the foundational preparation of early childhood education students. Regionally accredited community colleges, CSUs, and private universities can participate in the alignment process and be recognized statewide as partners in creating streamlined pathways to degree completion.